The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
This thread will officially begin this Thursday, August 29th when college football gets into full swing and will replace the

current Phil Steele/NC one found in the Rubber Room at that time.

I will have more to say about this thread and its intent between now and this Thursday.

Nov 11, 2007
Hi everyone.

Even though the "Grand Opening" of this thread is not until tomorrow, when college football starts rolling, I am going to give a description

of it for those who are not familiar with the intent and goals here.

For those who don't know, I have followed Phil Steele and his ways/NC for many, many years, and obviously don't agree with him or the way in

which NC is run, or else I would not have spent as much time as I have.

Sure there are lots of other handicappers out there, but Phil Steele/NC are household names, and are going on their 38th year of operation,

meaning that everyone and especially newcomers should know how they operate.

I ran a thread at Cappersmall from 2015-2018 devoted to Phil Steele and NC.

During the first year I simply documented their record keeping associated, spin, lies by omission and deceptions, which resulted in giving potential clients a false

impression as to how they were really doing-in short their great, tremendous/best out there to my erception which was far from that.

The other very important point I stressed and which was contained in the title of the thread "Why Northcoast Always Wins" was/is simply

because they had/have so many different type of picks, clubs, newsletters to choose from, that it was/is easy to come up with something

which won over the last week or so and then try to conclude that they were winning overall, which was/is sheer bs.

From 2016-2018 I took things a bit further and actually documented their Late Phone Service Record for each of those years based on the star rating

of the plays and factoring in the cost of service of a non PowerSweep subscriber.

Lets just say that in each of the years they lost and the deficit was substantial.

I will post the actual documented figures later on.

Also the reason I did not document the records of the other UNRATED plays such as the Marquees, opinions, etc., is simply because they are unrated-

if you want to know more about this, check out post 231 in the Rubber Room Phil Steele/NC thread which I gave in response to a question


And very importantly, I posted all of the plays, Late Phones, Marquees, Opinions, etc. in the CM Thread so as to make it easier for those who didn't

want to have to sift through the Main Service Section Thread to find them.

And before I forget, I also stated their promotions and discounts every week and my commentary on them.

Thus above was the basis of my CM Thread, namely posting the picks, my documentation of their records weekly and overall, how Phil/NC presented their records

(which in most cases differed vastly from mine which was a lot more encompassing and more fair) their advertising and my overall take.

That's it in a nutshell(well a large nutshell to be politically correct), and a pretty good idea as to what you will see over here.

Also, and very importantly, feel free to add your own comments about Phil Steele/NC based on your overall experiences and/or

just overall opinion.

And please do express any commentary if you believe that I am not being fair in my commentary and in the way I run this thread.

Also my interpretation of the rules means that personal attacks directed toward me or anyone else which do not pertain to

the purpose/contents of the thread will not be allowed here-keep that in mind and especially so as it regards one particular poster in Rubber Room.

One last comment- to be clear and as I said/implied last night in the Rubber Room, I do not personally play the Late Phone/Marquees/other

types of play nor do I fade them.

In fact, as a general rule I do play their Games of Something, Early Bird Play, etc. if they have done well historically speaking(not necessarily as big as their rating).

If the Late Phones should do well this year or at least get hot, I will jump on board and play them and let people know they are doing well-

again my big issue for the most part is not with their picks but with their overall modus operandi.

I sure hope above helps everyone to understand the intent here and thanks to those who took the time to read it.

My best of look to all with whatever you do with the NC picks this year and what you bet with picks which are not related

to Phil Steele/NC.

Nov 11, 2007
One other thins(and sorry if it seems like I am tooting my horn).

Since there is some overlap between this thread and the one in the Rubber Room for the next day or so, I strongly suggest that if you want a better

understanding of Phil Steele/ NC and how they operate, that you back and read posts 231 and 236 in the Rubber Room Thread.

Nov 11, 2007

Open for business beginning tomorrow at 10:00 AM or possibly earlier dependent on what time I get up, shower, have a bite to eat, etc.

I heard a rumor not yet confirmed that Phil Steele is going to offer the first 25 people who visit this thread tomorrow an autographed copy

of this weeks Power Sweep for the reduced price of just $8.99(newsstand price is $10) in honor of this momentous event.


Nov 11, 2007
This thread is now officially open for business.

For those of you wondering why this thread in in the Site Promotion section rather than somewhere else for the reason that the purpose of this thread is

certainly not to promote Phil Steele/NC, the reason is simple.

I checked with Administration first as to where to put this thread and was told that the most appropriate place to put it would be here, with

the obvious implied reason being that the gutter slime prevalent in the Rubber Room who did nothing but personally attack me with name calling and

insults and who never contributed anything else, would not be allowed in this section.

With that said, hopefully most of you understand what this thread is all about as stated in post 2.

The first thing I am going to do today since I am sure some of you might be curious is how as NC done in them time I monitored them from 2016-2018.

Keep in mind once again that I will do/have done ONLY the Late Phone documentation as they are the NC strongest plays,

are actually rated unlike the other ton of picks they put out.

Also as I stated previously, I factor in the cost of a non Power Sweep subscriber with my numbers rather than what a PS subscriber pays(which is cheaper on

a weekly basis because 1) one should not have to buy one thing to get something else and 2) many people out there don't even want to

be tempted to see plays OTHER than the Late Phones which are the strongest.

Obviously if the purchased PS, they would be forced or at least tempted to look at the plays in that newsletter.

With that in mind, here is the final recap/results for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 that I saved at CM-I can't provide you with more from

the Thread as Wayne/Dr. Jack deleted it.

Here you go:

Here is the final cumulative record for the season along with the three year cumulative record which includes the cost of subscription:

"The cumulative record for the 2018 season is thus:
Colleges 73-66-2 with 1.15 units GAINED(Final Recap).
Pros 39-32-2 with 15.7 units gained. (This includes 2 stars).
A player playing according to these ratings is UP 16.85 units or $1,685 at $100 a unit.
Factor in the costs of purchasing service so far of $38.93 units($3,893) and it can be seen that a NC subscriber is MINUS 22.08 units or MINUS $2,208 for the this season at $100 a unit.
Here is where it gets interesting and shows what a LOSING service NC is with its Late Phones despites all of the lies, deceptions, spin, half truths, omissions and favorable time frames used by Phil Steele/MC and its spokesman Todd:

In 2017 the Late Phones LOST $8045 including the cost of service and $4863 in 2016 bringing the three year deficit to a WHOPPING $15,116 at $100 a unit!!!"

It goes without saying that Phil Steele through Todd NEVER admitted these documented figures but rather always tried to give you the impression that

they were winning, most of the time by referring only to the non Late Phone Picks which happened to be winning over varying periods of time.

That's it until later when today's com. line message is out.

Again feel free to speak about anything re: Phil Steele/NC but no personal attacks/name calling directed at me-save that for the rubber room if

you feel the need.

Feb 16, 2016
Hey Savage, appreciate your efforts as I was a loyal follower of PS about 20 years ago. Had his number on speed dial, called daily because hey he won 60% right....anyway like you said, selective plays but then again what touts don’t do that when selling a product.

How surprised I was (especially since I haven’t bought a play in 10 years or more) to open the mailbox and there it was “Power Sweep”. Oh how I used to read it cover to cover and document how each play did...what a waste of time back then!!

Anyway $109 subscribe now and receive over $130 in bonuses....or just find it for free you know where LOL

BOL to all this season and may it bring profits and fun times!

Nov 11, 2007
First of all-thanks to Timmy Rules for your great story and take-I hope that he and many of you other folks also come over here and not only read but

contribute your thoughts and feelings.

All I can say is that on this first day of the official opening of this thread, Todd provide us appropriately with a doozer with his comp. line message today.

Before I begin, let me say that if any of you weren't happy with the first two confusing/overlapping and contradictory "Dinner Specials" on the menu offered by

Phil through Todd going into today, fear not, don't despair, keep your chin up and actually cheer because Todd provides us with more

"Dinner Specials" today to whet your appetite-I don't know if the first two specials are still in effect because Phil/Todd did not mention them.

Ok-first of all on ext. 9 Todd tells us what a "huge" day it is because college football gets into full swing today and this week.

Then he reminds that the NC has a Marquees going tonight which can be purchased for $12 or for free if you as a PS subscriber.

If you want more and did not sign up for Full Executive Service for the week and/or buy a PS subscriber, which would entitle you to everything,

guess what-you can buy the Economy CLKUB UNRATED Plays for this week and/or The UNRATED Big Dog Plays for this week for just $12.

If that isn't enough, well then I guess you will just have to wait until tomorrow of Saturday to see what Phil and the Talking Heads at NC

can come up with.


Onto ext.3.

Well after just two days at $109 Todd tells us that the price of PowerSweep for the original $99 is being extended.

On the one hand I give NC credit for doing that, but on the other hand, what does it tell you as to how well the $109 price went over-LIFE LINE PLEASE lol

Lets see- I am still confused whether the earlier promotions of this week are still in effect or not which would negate this one I am going to mention, which would cost

you more money than original one.

Anyways for the now $99 price of PowerSweep you get either the $99 Marquee College Play OR the full Week 4 of NFL Preseason (not both)

as well as the September Five Star thrown in for free.

Actually that is an improvement re: the NFL because earlier this week you got only the THURSDAY NIGHT NFL but NOT the rest of the week of NFL included.


What do I make of today's message?

Well to be brief and to the point it indicates that Phil Steele and/or Todd and or anyone else involved with these FORCED/CONTRIVED AND DESPERATE PROMOTIONS,

which I have shown to be(at Rubber Room and here) not very well thought out and at odds with one another, are grasping at straws at this

point and would be much better served by spending LESS time concocting them and spending more quality time handicapping the games.

If they took my suggestion, they might in fact if not have a winning season with the Late Phones, at the very least have one which

coms closer to just breaking even, which clearly has not been the case over the last three years with my documentation as proof

(I suspect that this was the case in lots of other years prior also before I started documenting their records)

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Northcoast Sports late phones

3 1/2*** VIKINGS -2 1/2
3*** 49ers -4
3*** Packers -2

Nov 11, 2007
Northcoast Sports late phones

3 1/2*** VIKINGS -2 1/2
3*** 49ers -4
3*** Packers -2

Thanks so much, Buzz for posting those.

Win or lose, I don't have much faith in any service including NC which outs out significant plays in Week Four on Preseason NFL when just about all

of the regulars are being rested.

That said, re: Phil Steele/NC desperate times require desperate measures!

Nov 11, 2007
One correction to post 8-Thursday Night NFL DOES represent the ENTIRE week of picks as there are no more preseason games after tonight, and the next games

will be in regular season.

Nov 11, 2007
Great turnout at "box office" for first day in this thread, and things went very smoothly overall.

Late phones go 1-2 including top play LOSER on Minnesota.

Marquee on UNDER FI squeaks by and a push on comp. play on Oakland.

Back later on this morning after comp. message.

Nov 11, 2007
nicely done savage!

Thanks rushman-my goal is not only to get the picks, recap them both daily, weekly and cumulatively and to add my commentary on them and

my overall daily take on the comp. line by Ron as well as the Daily " Dinner Specials" on the menu for the week but to hopefully get some other folks

like yourself involved.

Yes I fully and respect the fact that some folks out there believe I go overboard with this, but keep in mind that there are always new gamblers

out there as well as younger people out there who don't understand the tricks of the trade and deception of which Phil Steele is a master.

Hopefully by running this thread, those who read it will consider that at least some of what I say can be applied to lots of other

services out there, although the trickery and deceit shown by them is a lot more obvious out there than with Phil and Northcoast.

I mean one has to be pretty naïve/dumb or just plain stupid to believe the claims of other services of 80-99% accuracy with their picks over time

as well as such things that a 5 billion star lock means anything.

I will give Phil/NC lots of credit in that regard, in that their rating systems essentially are from 2-5 stars(maybe a 1 star is a Marquee, opinion, etc-who knows

as plays other than the Late Phone Rated ones have never been defined as far as star rating goes, and is in fact one reason why I tabulate only the Late


The comp. message for today will follow shortly.

Nov 11, 2007
Qell what do you know-the comp. line message is out early today, and frankly there are no real surprises.

The recap for Thursday is honest, and actually it turns out there was a Marquee winner on UNDER Miami in the NFL which was not posted.

Also we are told there is a $12 Marquee going today in college football.

And we are now back to the "Dinner Special" offered earlier in the week, ie $62.50 for the rest of the weekend through Monday with the college picks

for those with a PS subscription and $125 for those who do not.

My only criticism of this is that the price remains the same even though some games were played already last night.


Nov 10, 2007
Thanks rushman-my goal is not only to get the picks, recap them both daily, weekly and cumulatively and to add my commentary on them and

my overall daily take on the comp. line by Ron as well as the Daily " Dinner Specials" on the menu for the week but to hopefully get some other folks

like yourself involved.

Yes I fully and respect the fact that some folks out there believe I go overboard with this, but keep in mind that there are always new gamblers

out there as well as younger people out there who don't understand the tricks of the trade and deception of which Phil Steele is a master.

Hopefully by running this thread, those who read it will consider that at least some of what I say can be applied to lots of other

services out there, although the trickery and deceit shown by them is a lot more obvious out there than with Phil and Northcoast.

I mean one has to be pretty naïve/dumb or just plain stupid to believe the claims of other services of 80-99% accuracy with their picks over time

as well as such things that a 5 billion star lock means anything.

I will give Phil/NC lots of credit in that regard, in that their rating systems essentially are from 2-5 stars(maybe a 1 star is a Marquee, opinion, etc-who knows

as plays other than the Late Phone Rated ones have never been defined as far as star rating goes, and is in fact one reason why I tabulate only the Late


The comp. message for today will follow shortly.

i've been following your thread on CM for about 10 years now so I am thrilled you moved. like i've said before and like timmy i was a devoted PS subscriber about 20 years ago and its true they were good. their gom 5 star would move lines! i would call in for the pick as soon as it opened so my line wouldn't move much. and yes i got my PS in the mail this week just like many others i am sure.

i wish they could return to the glory years but its not looking likely. thats why i follow your thread. great accuracy covering NC!

Nov 11, 2007
rushman-I agree with what you said about NC in yesteryear.

I wonder what has changed of late to make their picks so mediocre.

I suspect that one of the reasons is as our NC insider Alcatraz stated/implied on a number of occasions at CM, is that Phil is incredibly arrogant,stubborn and considers

himself to be infallible and that he would never think of tweaking his handicapping methods to what is rather than what was.

In fact until a few years ago when the practice thankfully stopped, Todd and/or whoever else was doing the comp. line would go over each game played the day

before and either brag about how easily it won, or in the case of a loss, make excuses for the loss and with all kind of rationalizations why Phil/NC

were on the right side, and that it was the players who could be faulted for the loss for not doing what they were supposed to do

according to Phil's "perfect" handicapping systems.

As stated above, imo this is still at least part of the problem.

ps First word in previous post in first line should be "well."

Unlike Phil I don't consider myself infallible and especially in the art of typing.

Thanks again for the kind words.


Dec 6, 2013
FWIW, enjoy the thread even thou it seems others are bashing you for you service to this community. If they don’t like it don’t read it...

WTS... he said he is 2-0 on CFB marquees. He never mentioned what his 2nd marquee was. One was Under 58.5 in fIU game. 35 points at half. /h line 27. Oddsmakers predicting 62... 5 points greater then the closing line.... Tule scores 14 and fIU score 7 in first 8 min of 3rd qtr. ... looks like no one wants to play defense. Should be a dead loss as now 42-14 56 points with almost 20 min left for just a FG to make this bet lose and somehow miraculously wins. Miracle. But yet he never mentions he was so lucky. But when luck turns against him. Say he had over he would waste 2 min of airtime telling how many times the teams were down inside red zone or missed FG or missed Opportunity etc...

anyway I’m tracking these CFB marquees myself.


Nov 11, 2007
FWIW, enjoy the thread even thou it seems others are bashing you for you service to this community. If they don’t like it don’t read it...

WTS... he said he is 2-0 on CFB marquees. He never mentioned what his 2nd marquee was. One was Under 58.5 in fIU game. 35 points at half. /h line 27. Oddsmakers predicting 62... 5 points greater then the closing line.... Tule scores 14 and fIU score 7 in first 8 min of 3rd qtr. ... looks like no one wants to play defense. Should be a dead loss as now 42-14 56 points with almost 20 min left for just a FG to make this bet lose and somehow miraculously wins. Miracle. But yet he never mentions he was so lucky. But when luck turns against him. Say he had over he would waste 2 min of airtime telling how many times the teams were down inside red zone or missed FG or missed Opportunity etc...

anyway I’m tracking these CFB marquees myself.


Hi-As I said in another post, they had a Marquee winner on UNDER Miami in the NFL which wasn't posted.

And yes you are absolutely right about what you said about the luck factor-when good luck plays a factor such as it did in the FIU game, Phil considers

it not good luck at all but rather "bad luck" that so many points were scored to begin with. lol

And yes you are also right about the inside the red zone bs, blah, blah, blah although as stated previously, they have improved in this

area a bit in last year or so by at least not stating it publicly(but still believing it).

Thanks for contributing your most valuable opinions and insight!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps If any of you folks over here are also members of Cappersmall and you see people wanting to know what happened to the NC Thread over there,

you might want to ask Dr. Jack in a pm and/or even ask publicly whether it is ok to mention that the thread can now be found at RX.

I have a strong feeling that you will get a negative response for obvious reasons.

I definitely don't think it would be a good idea to just go ahead and do it without asking permission, because last I heard, "The Ban Wand" is still alive

and doing well over there.

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